Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Is Near

I am late putting out my Christmas cards, this is true. It is also true that I just now today did my Christmas shopping for my daughter, LO. And yes, it is true that our Christmas tree is STILL NOT DECORATED. Can you spell p-r-o-c-r-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-i-o-n?

Things have been so off with my husband and I lately due to my lack of job. Things aroung the house have been slacking, and definantly the funds have been missing. But today however all that changed.

Hubs and I had made peace with the idea that our 2 year old daughter LO, was going to have a meager Christmas this year from us. We basically had a little over $50 to spend, and it was most likely going to be spent buying an ELMO live doll that she reluctantly agreed to allow Santa to bring. (Up until now, she refused the idea of scarey Santa coming into her house. It was only when I told her he would come while she was sleeping, leave her a toy of her choosing, and she wouldn't have to see him that she finally agreed to it.)We decided to go out this afternoon and buy what we could, so as we were eating breakfast (Hubs cooks a fantastic breakfast on the weekends) we began to plan our shopping trip. That is when my mother called.

"Good morning Libert, what are you doing"
"Eating eggs and hash browns"
"What do you have planned for today"
"We were thinking about going Christmas shopping since LO is at Hubs' parents' house"
"Great, I was thinking of doing that too, wanna go together and you can tell me all you want to buy for baby LO?"

I got so excited. Hubs and I quickly finished our food and headed the 45 minutes to my mom's to pick her up. I said hello to my brother and sister, and started excitedly talking about what we hoped to get. Then we all piled into our Jeep and headed up to Crestwood.

When we got to Toys R Us, it was a madhouse. First off, we did not have a plan. We didn't have anything in mind to buy other than ELMO, and got stuck in every toy aisle imaginable. Things were being thrown in our cart then pulled back out as we couldn't decide what to buy. After finding out our budget was- - -$400- - - and after the shock wore off, we had two VERY FULL carts of toys for LO and for my 5 year old sister. Here are some of the things we got for LO.

Loving Family Dollhouse

You & Me Baby- Change My Diaper Mommy

We also got her some furniture to go in this house, but you get the idea.

LFD Minivan

And a few other things that total $400 like a Leapster2, a Graco baby set, and lots of fun things. My mom picked this one especially for her.

Candyland Game Table and Chairs

I may be a bit behind the curve on the Christmas to do list, but today, when leaving the store a felt full of excitement and relief. I couldn't stop smiling as we walked out, then I could't stop crying because my baby girl was going to have a great Christmas, and that is all that matters to me.


Lynds said...

What a wonderful surprise! I'm sure she will adore her presents! I tried finding that particular van at our local store, and they don't even carry it, like ever! so lame. My girls love their playhouse though, and the oldest is almost 8, so it has a long life to it. :)

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